Learn to avoid stress with dating after going through divorce

When getting back into the dating scene later in life, it can be challenging to read the signals. But when a person's spouse has passed away, misunderstanding could be unavoidable in a romantic relationship. The responses of a widow or widower to the dating process don't necessarily follow the same trends as those of divorced or never married persons. The surviving spouse may struggle with choosing between pursuing their own pleasure and paying tribute to their loved one who has passed away. They could struggle with feelings of guilt for "cheating" on their deceased spouse as much as for remaining alive. In the process of dating of widows or widowers, it may be necessary to be patient, embrace the spouse who has passed away, and take precautions. This section of the book is included specifically for any potential widowers who might be reading it. After the death of a spouse, dating can be uncomfortable. The widow or widower may feel guilty or betrayed as a result. Ad...